Introduction to Hunt's Journal


Wilson Price Hunt led the overland trip of the Astorians on the way to Oregon in 1811-2. This journal covers the trip from the Arikara villages on the Missourri to Astoria.

Bibliographical Information

Hunt's Journal was originally published as "Voyage de M. Hunt et de ses compagnons de Saint-Louis a l'embrouchure de la Columbia par un nouvelle route a travers les Rocky-Mountains " in Nouvelles Annales des Voyages, Tome 10, pp.31-88 Paris, 1821.

The location of the original journal is unknown.

Some English translations of Nouvelles Annales have been published over the years, including:
Stuart, Robert, The discovery of the Oregon trail Philip Ashton Rollins ed. New York, London, C. Scribner's sons, 1935.
Stuart, Robert, The discovery of the Oregon trail Philip Ashton Rollins ed. New York, Eberstadt & sons, 1935
Hunt, W. P. Overland diary of Wilson Price Hunt. Translated and edited by Hoyt C. Franchere. Ashland. Oregon Book Society, 1973.

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